How to Determine if a Grinder Pump Replacement is Needed
A grinder pump performs an important function in a home’s sewer system by pulverizing and helping remove wastewater from the kitchen and bathrooms. Many homes may not require a grinder pump. Often, gravity is enough to move wastewater from a home’s pipes and into the public sewer line. Still, when high elevations mean the main sewage line is above the house, a grinder pump is required to push sewage uphill to meet the public sewer line.
Like most modern household equipment, grinder pumps are built to last and don’t require professional maintenance until well into their eighth to tenth year. Still, there may be instances wherein homeowners find themselves frequently running into problems with their grinder pump and having to call it in for repairs. When this occurs often enough, it might be time to think about whether that grinder pump ought to be replaced instead.
The following are a few of the signs that could point to the necessity of a grinder pump replacement:

Decrease in Water Pressure
Low water pressure is a common symptom shared by many problems that could be ailing a home – the impending failure of a grinder pump could be one of them. When grinder pumps aren’t working properly, they cause water to slow down its flow through the pipes. If this happens often enough, it could indicate a bigger problem with the grinder pump, especially if it coincides with other signs pointing to an ailing grinder pump.
Leaks in the Grinder Pump System
Because grinder pumps are part of a home’s sewage system, any leaks here become immediately apparent, as bad smells and foul odors from a sewage leak are bound to announce themselves in the worst way possible. But how exactly do these leaks occur?
Part of a sewage grinder pump’s function is to grind up solid waste and debris from the wastewater. Any waste material that becomes too difficult for a grinder pump to cut down can create a significant blockage that, in turn, causes a leak. If homeowners don’t address this problem immediately and continue to allow debris to get into the grinder pump in turn, causing blockage time and again, it could seriously compromise the pump and cause it to stop functioning before its intended lifespan is reached, requiring a replacement.
An Old and Aging Unit
The average grinder pump is built to last up to 25 years, enough to see through at least one generation of home ownership. This is especially true of grinder pumps that have been properly maintained and are used as intended, so if a grinder pump seems to be breaking down a lot lately. It’s already had more than two decades of service, so it might be time to replace it, not because it’s no longer useful, but simply because it has gotten too old. Over time, any equipment will lose its efficiency, and the same is true of grinder pumps, which tend to become more susceptible to blockages, clotting, and freezing as they age.
About Capital City Septic Services
Capital City Septic Services provides septic tank maintenance, repair, installation, and emergency services throughout Leon County and the Tallahassee, FL metro areas. Their team of experts works fast and provides friendly yet professional service that offers personalized solutions to virtually every septic tank concern. Call us today at 850-536-6919 for all grinder pump repair services in Tallahassee, FL.